Awareness and Prevention of Bird Strikes, Emma Soderstrom, CCL ’15

Every year up to 100 million birds are killed each year by window collisions. Some birds can be saved but many others cannot, suffering from fatal internal injuries. Most bird strikes occur from July to October which is when young birds fledge from nests and fall migration occurs. Below I have listed some possible solutions that could help reduce bird strikes:

1. Netting/Strings

These can deter birds from hitting the windows and create a barrier for birds to prevent strikes. Related links:

2. Screens and Films

These can help reduce reflection and transparency of windows. EZ Snap and bird screen cushion a collision if a bird were to fly into it.  Related links:

Solutions that can be put into action now:

1. Lower the shades both during the night and the day (even partially will help)

Helps reduce reflection
Keeps them from seeing inside
Created what looks like a solid barrier from the outside

2. Turn off or dim the light at night

Hard for birds to see into buildings/less inviting
Less distracting for migrating birds ahead (when they see the light they are tempted to fly towards indoor plants)

3. Keep plants away from windows

Birds are tempted to come and rest on plants

Move outdoor plants/landscaping directly against windows (OUTSIDE/ NOT INSIDE) as a place for birds to stop/perch rather than flying into glass 

Introducing: Picture Post

Durban Rohrbach, CCL ’14, LFHS ’18 completed his stewardship project by installing Illinois’ first Picture Post at Lake Forest Open Lands Association’s  Middlefork Farm Nature Preserve.  Picture Post is an innovative national effort to monitor environmental change at a particular spot.  By placing a camera on the post visitors take 8 photos of the environment surrounding the picture post. Digitally stitched together, these photos provide a 360-degree panoramic record of changes in the area. The photos can be uploaded directly to the Digital Earth Watch network where they can be viewed together and compared. Help monitor the Middlefork Farm Nature Preserve by downloading theiPhone app and uploading your pictures directly from your phone. If you don’t have an iPhone, you can upload your pictures online from any computer.  For more information about how to use Picture Post click here.

This year’s CCL students are hard at work completing stewardship projects in their own communities. Here are a few of the students in action:
Click on the pictures for more about the project.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA image Chloe and Nevaeh daniel cart leslie purple ruben rain garden


Environmental Conservation-Related Awards

Brower Youth Awards
SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Environmental Excellence Awards
Disney Minnie Grant for Youth Involvements
Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes
Volvo Adventure Environmental Awards
Young Naturalists Award
GreenWorks! Grant
Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge Award
International Young Eco-Hero Award
Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund
National Geographic Young Explorer’s Grant
Jane Goodall Roots and Shoots Program

Blog Posts

Share your conservation experiences and stewardship projects with other like-minded people by posting your story to the following blogs:

Local Opportunities


Green Youth Farm

Prarie Farm Corps.

Lake Forest Open Lands Restoration Ecology Intern




Check it out!

family-reunion-clipart-ycoeaokce CCL Certificate Ceremony: Saturday, April 23, 2016, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon, Greenbelt Cultural Center, 1215 Greenbay Road, North Chicago, IL 60064 RSVP to [email protected]
environmental stewardship icons
 Learn about our High School Stewardship Program! The 2016 Certificate Program Application is Now Available!
extra  There are plenty of employment opportunities for CCL students. Check them out here!