“CCL represents the future of conservation. At its core, CCL identifies, mentors and celebrates our future leaders in conservation. This program is unique as it makes the critical connection of young people to the land and nurtures the passion and potential of these incredible teens. The success of CCL students is an important example to our greater conservation community- not just in what they do, but in how they do it. This pioneering program truly embraces partnership and the need to reach beyond all borders and engage our young people for the future.”
– John Sentell
President, Lake Forest Open Lands Association

“CCL is a significant program that seeks out and cultivates young leaders who will help ensure a sustainable future for us all. Through the students training and while working on varied service projects they are thinking about their commitment to our environment.”
- Nancy Clemens
Lake Forest Open Lands Board Member and Education Committee Chairman

“It was a real treat for me to interact with such a well-prepared and minds-on group of young people. They are inspiring . I am extremely impressed with the human outcome of CCL’s teaching, motivating, team-building, capacity-building effort — rarely have I met such an engaged and directed and open-minded group of students (or anyone!).”
- Julie L. Whitbeck, Ph.D.
Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve

“I learned so much from my mentee and her exciting project. I love to see all their efforts come together at their Stewardship Project Presentation and how proud they are of their achievements.”
– Nancy, Mentor

“It was really great to talk to your group. They had thoughtful questions, and it was clear they were really processing all the information that they had been exposed to.”
- Aaron Viles
Deputy Director
Gulf Restoration Network: United for a Healthy Gulf

“The mentors that had my son were absolutely fantastic. They were always available by email to answer any questions and provide guidance and they went out of their way at times to make sure they could meet to help guide them with their project”.
– Tricia, Parent of a CCL Program Participant

“I enjoyed working with young people from different communities. Watching them progress and mature over the year—and seeing their pride in what they accomplished—were all rewarding.”
– Holly, Mentor

“Though my child had a strong understanding of conservation and stewardship work, seeing it in another context helped to deepen that understanding. The CCL program connected many dots for her.”
– Nan, Parent of a CCL Program Participant

Check it out!

family-reunion-clipart-ycoeaokce CCL Certificate Ceremony: Saturday, April 23, 2016, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon, Greenbelt Cultural Center, 1215 Greenbay Road, North Chicago, IL 60064 RSVP to [email protected]
environmental stewardship icons
 Learn about our High School Stewardship Program! The 2016 Certificate Program Application is Now Available!
extra  There are plenty of employment opportunities for CCL students. Check them out here!