For Students Who Want to Continue Their Exploration of Conservation

CCL provides conservation job counseling and guidance to CCL students who have completed the Certificate Program and High school Stewardship Program. We can help place interested students in jobs related to conservation or help identify summer educational opportunities.

CCL has placed interns with Lake Forest Open Lands, Chicago Botanic Garden’s Green Youth Farm, Barnswallow Ornithological Rehabilitation Center, Prairie Crossing Learning Farm, Wildlife Discovery Center, Science First, Youth Conservation Corps and Elawa Farm. CCL has helped students apply for summer programs in conservation science at major universities including Stanford University, Cornell University, and Georgetown University. CCL students are often interested in pursuing conservation and environmental studies in college. CCL can help students identify programs that are best suited to their needs and interests.

Student Spotlight- Yari Cortez, CCL ’10

Q: When did you participate in CCL?
A: I was a rising sophomore at Highland Park High School in 2010. I was part of the first class of CCL students.

Q: What was your experience with CCL like?
A: It was fun. Learning about the environment was a whole new thing for me. It opened my eyes. I became more conscious about the environment and ecology. It really influenced the way I thought about other programs I might get involved with.

Q: Did you do anything else with CCL?
A: I participated in the High School Internship Program. That summer I helped with organic farming. Most of the time, I pulled invasive species from the prairies. Then, I went to New Orleans with the other interns for about ten days. That’s where I learned more about how the environment is related to social justice. By seeing the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, I saw the connection between natural disasters and environmental justice. I remember this trip having a big influence on me. I was confused and still learning a lot. The questions that were left unanswered at the end of that trip left me wanting to learn more.

Q: Did you do anything outside of CCL related to the environment?
A: The summer before my senior year of high school I went to India through Putney. The program was all about sustainability, conservation, and economics. I essentially immersed myself in the culture and observed the lifestyle there through an ecological lens.

Q: Where are you now?
A: I am a rising junior at Bates College.

Q: What are you studying?
A: I am majoring in Environmental Studies.

Q: Why did you choose to pursue an environmental studies major?
A: I think that CCL was a big part of it. It got me thinking about the environment.

Q: Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with CCL?
A: For the people that are thinking about applying to CCL: If you are interested, have an open mind, and are willing learn more, go for it.

"CCL is more than a three week program, it helps you open your eyes and inspires you to change the world."

Check it out!

We are accepting applications for the CCL 2018 program! The dates are June 11 - June 29. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.
Calling all adventurers! Join us on Sunday, January 28 from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. at Gorton Community Center, Lake Forest for an afternoon of adventure films  from the MountainFilm on Tour Festival and learn how you and your family can engage with the outdoors! Experience Mountainfilm shorts curated specifically for the whole family to enjoy and then visit our expo to learn more about the outdoor adventure and environmental opportunities in Lake County.
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